Wednesday, March 20, 2013


We all run the risk of experiencing burnout out at work. Some of us more than others may have jobs that are completely emotionally or physically exhausting, and may be at more risk than others of burnout. Let's start with figuring out what burnout is exactly.
Burnout is a psychological term for the experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest. It can be described as a general wearing out or alienation from the pressures of work, or the development of feelings of cynicism or inefficacy.The Maslach Burnout Inventory uses a three dimensional description of exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy. Some researchers and practitioners have argued for an "exhaustion only" model that sees that symptom as the hallmark of burnout.
How pressure is dealt with determines how much stress someone feels and how close they are to burnout. One individual can experience few stressors, but be unable to handle the pressure well and thus experience burnout. Another person, however, can experience a greater number of stressors, but effectively deal with them, and avoid burnout.
Believe it or not, our physical environment can affect our level of burnout. Facilitative and supportive interior design does just that. It is the utilization of interior design and architectural design elements to prevent burnout and enhance your feelings of well-being.
It may be as simple as changing the smell of your work environment with candles or diffusers. Throw back your curtains and pull up your blinds and let a little natural light in. That alone will do wonders in preventing burnout. If you don't have a window, turn off those overhead fluorescent lights and turn on a desk lamp. Put a plant in your room to bring a little of the outside in, which has been proven to enhance efficiency and productivity. Get outside and take a walk through a natural environment to clear your head and gain perspective outside of your office environment. 
A few design elements may help you as well. Add a new throw pillow or blanket to your bed or couch or rearrange your furniture to enhance the feel and energy flow of your home or office. 
Put a new picture on your wall or photograph on your desk to remind you of your life outside of work or simply to bring a smile to your face. 
Design Inspiration

Preventing burnout is all about balance in your life, mindfulness, and perspective.