Friday, September 2, 2011

Judging a space by its cover........Beware!

It seems that everyday we make judgements about the world around us based on appearance. This may surprise many of us, but this is especially true when it comes homes, offices, and places of business. Often this first judgement influences how we initially stereotype the people who work or live there, and the quality of work they do.

What that means in a practical sense is this: the manner in which we design, furnish and present our environment and physical space where we live or work often gives others clues about our personal characteristics, our level of expertise, or the nature of what happens in the space. Thus, it may be much more important that many realize to pay attention to our environments and  the influence it has on ourselves and others.

Here is the another interesting fact. Before we even go into a home, business or office, we often make judgments about how we expect to feel within that space and if, in fact, we do feel that way when we arrive. For example, most of us want our home to be our personal santuary, our space where we can really relax and be ourselves.  In a counselor's office, we expect to feel relaxed and comfortable and safe. In a bank, most of us want to feel a sense of privacy, professionalism and security.

More and more research is emerging that suggests practical ways to trasform any environment into a space that reflects the nature and purpose of that specific area as well as  promotes health and wellness .

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